Happiness Fills this blog
You must always be HAPPY here :) Remember to Tag and FOLLOW the RULES (:

Miss Happy

XUEER ;DD I'm a relatively good girl. I don't eat my veggies. I have an absolutely sweet tooth and I like chocolates and candy floss although they make me look kiddish most of the time. I absolutely adore babies and toddlers and I often go gaga over them. Give me presents! On 16th February :D friend and family are my passion.♥ I Love D


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Spot this?
this is my toy that's stay with my inside my room =)
Got bunny, Hello Kitty, 3 PIG! and the biggest one MUMU.
MUMU just reach my house only!
as MUMU is a present from my boy.
see! so big! 100cm, imagine it.

and this i just don't know what happen when i take this picture?
suddenly become so white as like a vampire.

holiday gonna finish already.
and i still haven't ready to get back to school for exam.

ISABELLA @ (: 6:52 PM


Happy Birthday Callie. :D
actually her birthday is on 6.8.09


SeeYuen = ="
JingYi kena push inside the water.

Chocalates Cake from Me, Leeping and Shufei
Cup Cake from JingYi
Leeping make this O.o

ISABELLA @ (: 12:06 AM


Leeping Shufei Joseph Munloong.
see Joseph retard face. so cute! haha
YES! yesterday both of them memang retard.
Munloong and Shufei non-stop screaming = =
Thanks Joseph for fetching us go Schumann's house.
i look fat in this picture. actually I'm fat!! AAAARR!
The Oh-so-cute young Schumann, AWW! cute
see her shirt. so dirty.
We act like this is our house. hahaha!

Long leg monster O.O

We curi-curi go upstairs. :D
this is what we friends do this.
connecting... loading... hahahaha!
The Loong ye. hahah!
Loong ye please... give me some money.
Loong : NO! go away!
Leeping & Shufei : please! please~
Loong: You really want? go die la.
Shufei : AR! pain pain...
Leeping: OH~~~~ shufei~~~

yesterday when Schumann's house make something.
and Joseph fetch us go ofcause.
actually nothing much to say.
you'll what happen after see all the picture. hahaha!
Munloong they all really retard.
but i enjoy spending time with them.
felt relax. hehehee :D

ISABELLA @ (: 8:57 PM