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10.27.2009. 被点到必填, 不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷。 (1) 请老实的回答每一个问题。 (2) 不行擅自塗改題目。 (3) 写完请点10位小朋友,不可不点。 (4) 点完后请通知那10位小朋友他被点到了。 被点到的: 1. Callie Leong 2. Hana Chai 3. How Mun Loong 4. Janice Lau 5. Lok Lee Ping 6. Sophia Wong 7. Farn Schuey 8. Crystal Chen 9. Lim Kah Yan 10. Foong Weng Kai 1-[ 4号认识6号吗? ]: hmm... maybe. 02-[ 10号是男还是女? ]: Boy Boy. 03-[ 8号的兴趣是? ]: Play around and crazy around. 04- [ 1号有没有兄弟姐妹? ]: Ya. 05-[ 7号姓氏? ]: Farn. 06-[ 10号人缘好吗? ]: Not Bad 07-[ 4号有人追吗? ]: hmm... she's sweet. 08-[ 2号呢? ]: I think so.
09-[ 6号喜欢的颜色是? ]: Baby Blue. 10-[ 3号和10号是朋友吗? ]: No. 11-[ 7号的生日是? ]: November 21. 12-[ 5号读哪呢? ]: Katholik High School . 13-[ 你怎么认识10号的? ]: Same school, same bus. 14-[ 你跟1号的生日差几个月? ]: 7month. She's younger then me. 15-[ 你和9号有出去玩过吗? ]: Ya. 16-[ 你喜欢和2号聊天吗? ]: hmm... Not bad. 17-[ 你喜欢和3号在一起吗? ]: OFCAUSE. =) 18-[ 你觉得7号人怎么样? ]: Helpful and take care friends. 19-[ 你觉得9号人怎么样? ]: hmm... not bad. LOL! 20-[ 你爱5号吗? ]: Ofcause. 1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的: Josephine 2. 你们认识多久呢: Not more then 2 month. LOL! 3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗: hmm... don't know. 4. 你与他(她)的关系是: Friend. 5.你覺得他(她)的個性如何: hmm...kinda friendly. 6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是: dont know. LOL!>"< ISABELLA @ (: 10:02 PM 10.26.2009. I'M HAPPY TODAY. * don't be so stress, study but relax abit.*
ISABELLA @ (: 8:02 PM 10.25.2009. Go genting with my family. hmm... actually not planing go genting. but just suddenly wish to go. and my dad let me drive. LOL! go genting really scary. as I'm still a new driver. i just drive until the caber car there, and i change sit with dad. haha!! so weird. and outdoor theme park is having disco party. hmm... actually not really want to go. but i meet some of my primary school friends there. as my dad and mom go casino so... just go have fun =/ and so sorry i have fun until forget take picture with them. hmm... inside the party there are lots of MALAY!!! but quiet fun inside there. see people dancing stupidly. and see other girls drunk and talking shit around. lots of stupid thing happen. and back home on 2am. and I'm now updating my blog. LOL!! i have to go take bath and ready for tomorrow. ISABELLA @ (: 1:59 AM 10.23.2009. Lord, I come to You let my heart be changed, renewed flowing from the grace that I found in You Lord, I've come to know the weaknesses I see in me will be stripped away by the power of Your love hold me close let Your love surround me bring me near draw me to Your side and as I wait I'll rise up like the eagle and I will soar with You Your spirit leads me on in the power of Your love Lord unveil my eyes let me see You face to face the knowledge of Your love as You live in me Lord renew my mind as Your will unfolds in my life in living every day the power of Your love
ISABELLA @ (: 9:15 PM 10.22.2009. I'm really stupid until I don't know how to describe about myself. just simple math question I have to do more then 10 times. only I can really understand how to do? I really don't know what is inside my brain? SPM is coming now. and I just got 30 days for me to catch up everything. my everything is not only math. I have to do revision on science to flash back all my memory. I have to do more math question to understand it. I have to read more Malay books and do more revision to score. I have to memories the moral nilai. I have to improve my English level. I got lots of thing to catch up. I just can't imagine that SPM really killing me. somebody help me? :-( ISABELLA @ (: 7:49 PM 10.20.2009. ♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING ♥ CRYSTAL ♥ teehee =) grow up d, be more mature darling. but i know you enough mature then me. LOL!! SPM coming, so i know you'll do your best right? if not your mom sure kill you. HAHA!! ![]() ![]() ![]() and we got the same pass year. LOL! sound so weird. but its ok for me. and i know what you really want. and even we got argue before but our friendship never end. and i hope our friendship will still counting on... ![]() ISABELLA @ (: 10:15 PM 10.19.2009. nothing to do. since I've already get my lesen. Fetch my mom go here and there. finding work. OHYA! I've found my work for holiday. and just come back from The Mines. I fetch my parent and aunt there to have shopping. and watch movie Rebellion there. hmm... my mom say she would never let me see this kind of movie anymore.LOL! nothing much to say. school tomorrow. good night.
ISABELLA @ (: 6:42 PM 10.18.2009. everyday i online. i wish i could see you're there. when i see you online. actually i got lots of thing wanna tell you. but i didn't. because of our standard. and something different between us. so i just keep quiet. wait you online. and wait until you offline again. everyday the same thing. i don't know what to do? i got lots of thing wanna chat with you. i got lots of thing wanna share with you. i wish i could act like nothing happen. and we are still like last time. but there are something wrong with me. maybe keep some distance is the best way for us now. I'm sorry. but at least i know you're happy now. you got everything you want. as long as you happy. others, doesn't mean so much to me.
ISABELLA @ (: 9:41 PM 10.17.2009. Finally finish my bm and moral's notes. everyday wake up on 10am and start study until night 10pm. my mom was very shock to see me like this. cause she never see her girl so hardworking like this. but mom, thanks for always here for me. cook for me when I'm still studying on midnight. i love you, i really do. haih. but i felt quiet tired always looking at the book. but I'm not giving up. now start doing math and chinese notes. math really takes lots of time for me. i can't really understand it. but i gotta catch up everything before graduation day. math and science is killing me. =(
ISABELLA @ (: 5:10 PM 10.16.2009. ISABELLA @ (: 1:13 AM 10.14.2009. ![]() 我感动天感动地怎么感动不了你 明明知道没有结局却还死心塌地 我感动天感动地怎么感动不了你 总相信爱情会有奇迹都是我骗自己 以为自己不再去想你 保持不被刺痛的距离 就算早已忘了我自己 却还想要知道你的消息 i miss you badly. really. even i just saw you once its enough for me.
ISABELLA @ (: 7:19 PM 10.13.2009. Yay! I've pass my driving test. and I'll get my lesen on Monday. but my mom don't let me drive because i still a new driver. LOL when i till there waiting for those Malay pig. i felt really stress, because all of them is like never see Chinese before O.O just looking at you like you are monster. LOL! thank for you accompany make me relax. teehee =) BOOO! and you is the first one to know i get pass my driving. hahaha! Callie is the 2nd and then my mom. LOL! just really enjoy sending text with you. =P and tomorrow school reopen. >"<
ISABELLA @ (: 4:48 PM 10.12.2009. 1 more day - driving test. 8 more days - girlfriend's birthday. 17 more days - father's birthday. 22 more days - graduation day. 36 more days - SPM. 38 more days - Twilight New Moon. 39 more days - Baby Farn Schuey's birthday. 54 more days - Babi Loong's birthday. 73 more days - Christmas. LOLLL!!! all this driving me crazy. i don't know weather i can get my P lesen. stupid Malay like Rasuah. i don't know what to gift for my girlfriend. don't know how to celebrate for her. i don't know what to do on my father's birthday? and i don't know who is going on graduation day? LOL! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FACE SPM! FREAKING CLOSE. and i don't know weather I'm get ready for it. don't know how to celebrate for the baby and the babi. LOL! we'll go genting with baby and babi again. haha! BOO! trying to reduce my voice and be softer abit bit. hmm... i guess you never see me cry before right? this is the first time i cry in front of you. LOL!
ISABELLA @ (: 5:35 PM 10.11.2009. Just come back from driving lesson. and I'm going to take test on tuesday. wish me good luck. =) LOL! yesterday almost drunk i think so. but i know that i didn't drunk. just head pain. BABI! didn't sleep well and stupid msn can't online. i think i have to change my hotmail already. and callie, sorry for yesterday. Jie sayang back <3 hmm... and yesterday really quiet stupid. just because of the stupid guard. thank god I'm not drunk that time, if not i think I'll go and punch him. LOL! hmm...loong is not drunk that time. but don't know why his face is red in colour. O.O Schuey, Leong, Loong, Yong. she too happy already. get scold by mom and dad because they know i drink =/ no comment on them. why adult like this? how come parents can drink and we can't drink? some more i didn't drunk also. chew`` they just can't understand me. and hmm... shufei thank for remind me something. I'll be soft abit bit bit bit. LOLL!! I'm trying hard already sayang. see i didn't talk more then 5 bad words. but i don't know why my volume just can't reduce. callie. you know i super happy. hahahaha! as long as you happy. I'll try everything. BOO!! ISABELLA @ (: 5:53 PM 10.09.2009. since i wan to prove to the Moral teacher. that i never cheat on exam time, i really work hard for it. yesterday go understand the meaning of every mornal nilai. and read Konserto Terakhir, which is quiet easy to score also in BM. and i do Math and Science. Math really driving me crazy on it. but actually Math is quiet interesting. Science is really too boring for me, and Sejarah. LOL! i really forget about Sejarah. i can't friend with Sejarah. how am gonna score in SPM? 39 days. die.
I hope you could accompany me every single night. * copy right from YOU* ISABELLA @ (: 2:03 PM 10.08.2009. ISABELLA @ (: 2:40 PM 10.06.2009. went Mid Valley have movie with brothers sisters again. LOL! since Mid Valley near our school. and actually today i felt very excited when you promise me something. but you break your promise. half day staying alone in class, and another half day accompany by Schuey and sisters. and after went to Mid Valley, i felt excited again. because going to see you soon. but... i just don't want to mention here. as long as you happy. Schuey, i know you try hard to care me this stubborn sister. I'll try to listen to you =) as long as you are my best brother ever.! watch Tsunami. a movie really touch my heart and we are really warned by God. that we human really destroy everything.! and gonna watch Tong Men on Oct8 with Schuey. and 2012 on Nov something, ofcause with Schuey too if i can. and NewMoon on Nov20, on SPM date. hmm... maybe I'm going to watch NewMoon with my sisters. but ofcause i won't left out Schuey =)
ISABELLA @ (: 8:34 PM 10.04.2009. Esther drunk. LOL! Went to Schuey's house to have Moon cake Festival Party. and its really enjoy having fun with my brothers and sisters. everyone is really crazy. someone DRUNK =O LOL! 5.30pm something me, yiwen and chinkeong reach schuey's house. help him ready something since he say they got no enough hand. and after Joseph, Javin, MunLoong, ShuFei and Esther reach. me, schuey and shufei use to serve them.. LOL! but its ok for it since we have our dinner. and sit down chat and say joke. and Esther drunk, and she go hug schuey. hahaha! if she know this I'm sure she gonna kill herself. and back home about 12 something. Schuey, thanks for inviting me to your party. haha! me and yiwen *my sick face* ISABELLA @ (: 1:33 AM 10.01.2009. hmm... today quiet happy. if not at school got something happen, today is prefect for me. first thing i just can say someone spoil everything. and second, stupid Moral teacher don't trust me! i study hard and remember those stupid 36 Moral Nilai. but stupid teacher say something really hurt student. where got teacher like that one? idiot. after school, went Mid Valley with my brother sister. we go watch ' where got ghost '. this movie is really weird. and its really scared me. =/ after movie, sister went back to home early. and go pool with brother. ha! see! brother, my pool improve already. you should be happy with it. but so so so sorry that i didn't even pass my Math. brother scold me that, so many brothers teach me Math. but i didn't pass. OH! its really hurt them. i promise I'll pass my Math on SPM. brother please! must continue teach me. teehee =) after pool, walk around with brothers to find something yummy. and buy something cute. and back to school about 6.30pm. and i reach house about 7.30pm. imagine how far is my house and school.
ISABELLA @ (: 8:39 PM |
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