Miss Happy ![]() . currently online |
4.28.2010. Last Saturday when Hei Lai Ton to have breakfast Dim Sam With whole bunch of working friends. Actually that day I have to work on morning wan, but since Daddy say give me back petrol, dim sam's money and salary. So I go eat lorh! XD ![]() ![]() ISABELLA @ (: 10:58 PM . I'm using Callie's laptop to blog now. Since now is break time, lol! Actually its damn super duper boring, I'm gonna to sleep soon. But damn can't sleep, because got presentation. Aiya.! Presentation also non-of my business. Because I'm not going to present it. Let them to do that, but so sorry not because I lazy present, its because something... someone know it. LOL! Malaysian Studies's exam coming soon. GLT's exam also coming soon. And what I have do? Let me think about it.... I've already read some of the Malaysian Studies's text book and notes. but I don't think it use? Because most of them I'm not really understand what's the text book try to tell me O.o And GLT, hmmm... Not bad.! At least I got pay attention in class SOMETIME. So I at least know SOMETHING. And, I send the remark paper for English already. And I get back the resit already, so wish me good luck. Hmmm... One more is Jun retake paper for Math & BM. What i've prepared? I prepared for Math only. Because I don't know what to read for BM. I've totally forget everything about BM. Ohhh Myyy GOSH!!! Now days can't always go out my hubby d... because exam coming so I have to concentrate on my study. Hubby say so... He wish me to take "ok" punya result then only go out shopping with him, When.... Its Semester BREAK. YAY!!! ISABELLA @ (: 5:49 PM 4.21.2010. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Those girls in the picture is all the DECE students. Diploma in Early Childhood Education. There are all girls, and only one BOY. *weird Finally the Malaysian Studies Presentation over already. And now I'm going to rush my others assignment. Felt really tired, and without a laptop for me is quiet hard. Because, I got no time to online check my online shop. And, I got less time to online checking mail, details and blah blah blah... So as I don't wish to use my parents money to buy a laptop. I'll earn money and buy myself. As now everyday also I didn't use their money.! I earn, I pay toll, I pay petrol all myself. Even the 1st semester's payment, I pay RM4000 myself also.! Where I get so much money? I earn from Chinese new year, ang pao, kindergarten... The whole month's salary gone in 1minutes.! Can you imagine that, I'm so sad for that I have to pay myself. But nevermind, I don't need my parents to pity me. I'll be more independence. RM4000 also I can earn, why not a RM2000 laptop. I'll earn and buy myself also.! ISABELLA @ (: 9:56 PM 4.12.2010. ![]() As everyone know I've already couple. So this is my boyfriend now. Not handsome right? XD But he treat me is better then every of my ex-boyfriend. He love me more then himself. That's enough to proof everything. And He is so cute.! Haha!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Actually should be after New Year then all the waitress and waiter go eat. But just because Hei Lai Ton its a big restaurant and it couldn't stop receiving order. And until yesterday 11/4 Sunday only got time go have our dinner. So after work, 10.30pm I change my cloth and my boyfriend fetch me go. Because he scare me after drunk then can't come back. So he send me there to have dinner with him. And be back home before 2am. He promise my parent he'll send me back before 2am. So follow him back around 1.30am, so that next time if I want go out with him. My parent 60% can let me out with him. ISABELLA @ (: 10:05 PM 4.10.2010. 陌生的场景 熟悉的对白 缺少安全感的孩子 总爱胡思乱想 不要在流眼泪的时候做任何决定 情绪负面的时候说话越烧越好 不要去反复思考同一个问题 不要把所有的感情都放在一个人身上 你还有父母 有朋友 不要害怕做错什么 即使错了 也不懊悔 人生就是对对搓搓 何况有许多事 回头看来 对错已经无所谓了 有负面情绪是正常的但是自己一定要知道 要明白 这只是生活的一小部分 在其余时间里 要尽量的 让情绪平稳起来 那个人突然不联系你了 很正常 那个人突然又联系你了 也很正常 这什么也不说明 如果不懂就说出来 如果懂了就别说 笑笑即可 一切的烦恼都是自找的 因此也只能自己解决 不要找朋友哭诉 或者找他们去打球 说过的话一定要做到 即使是很蠢的话 再蠢 也比言而无信好 当他说:“让我们冷静一段时间好吗?” 的时候 要冷静地说:“好” 然后挂掉电话 不要哀求 他不是来征求你意见的 不要害怕做一件事 不要害怕触景伤情 不要害怕说错话 不要害怕想起过去 不要害怕面对未来 无乱是对是错 你需要有一个准则 你的行为应该遵遁这个准则 并根据现实生活 不断的修正 反反复复优柔寡断的人是不可能讨人喜欢的 在对错间徘徊的人形象不如从错到对的人正面 不要后悔 无论怎样都不要后悔后悔的情绪 比你所做错的是更加可怕 因为这会摧毁你的 自信,自尊以及有可能让你去做一件更错的事 不要把心底的话全套出来 这些是 只属于你的财富 不要和一个人 议论同一个圈子里的人 不管你认为他有多可靠 当你不知道 和他说什么的时候 那就什么也不要说 沉默有无限种含义 不要追求什么结果 每个人结果都是一样 就是死亡 无论遇到什么事情 都要对自己说:这是正常的 而不要说:我怎么这么倒霉? 或是:他怎么这样? 那些遇到汶川地震 911或印尼海啸的人很多都没有机会抱怒了 比起他们 生活中的一些波折都是正常的 今天也许你的男朋友离你而去 你会觉得自己是世界上最惨的人 但是别忘了也许 这世上同时有几十万个姑娘 和你有着同样的遭遇 只是你不知道 而已吃下去的就坚决不再吐出来 所以吃之前要想清楚 恋爱也是 没有安全感的孩子 吃饭总坐餐厅的同一个地方 坐公交也是同一个位置 自己看电影 不相信爱情 吃很多 或者不吃 念旧 念旧 习惯抱肩 怕黑 怕黑 莫名其妙的孤单 无法抗拒的恐惧感 喜欢穿有口袋的衣服 穿没有口袋的衣服 不知道手往哪放 喜欢抱着东西睡觉 喜欢卷缩 喜欢卷缩 不爱说话 或者很爱说话 喜欢角落 喜欢窗户 习惯冷战 ISABELLA @ (: 12:15 AM 4.05.2010. What I want to say is, I'm no more small girl, please leave me alone.! I just can't understand why my parent could be like this to me? My father is like can't believe in me?! He thought I tell lies to him every time. He thought I never tell him the true. Actually what I tell him every time its the true.! But he never believe it! He just believe the outsider but not me.! I'm his daughter but he never believe me and he believe outsider. The people that I trust the most is my Family. But, what they do to me? I earn money, I buy thing myself, I pay study for myself. Everything, I settle myself.! I never please them to help me. I didn't want them to help me even once I become big girl. I don't need them help.! Because once I need them help, its shows that actually I still need them. I just need myself, my friends and my boyfriend.! Its enough for me. I don't need my family. My family is hurting me.! They don't believe in me that just let it be. I won't felt regret to do that, because you do it to me first.! For friend that I trusted the most, I know you'll not disappointed me. And I won't betray you if you didn't do it to me so. For boyfriend, no one can tear us apart.! Even my family.! I hate that.! Stop breaking my relationship. I choose what I want, I know what I need. Don't try to be such a busybody to help me choose. I love my life now, I get what I want. I work for it, and I spend what I get. I earn money myself, I spend money myself. I don't need to use even 5sen of your pocket money. Or I should say, from form5 onwards, YOU NEVER GIVE ME EVEN 5SEN POCKET MONEY Is this what a father could do that to his daughter? I know, our family getting in problem. But can't you just leave me alone to work myself? I do what I want, and I didn't ask help from you. Is that not good enough for a 18years old girl to stay strong on this time? Or I should say, from 16years old I've already stay alone without father's help.! I never say a word " sad " or " heartless " no family love. Because I know, parent will always love their children. But now, even I know you still love me, but I don't need your care. I'm no more baby.! I got my boyfriend who can care me more then you. I know, mother is the one who no one can replace. Even boyfriend also can't replace.! But what father do? Father just need to produce sperm and let mother get pregnant to born us out. Its just easy like ABC! I know father care me so that he do that. But one word.! He didn't believe me and never respect me. I'm not going to respect him.! If he is not going to give me the car to school, my boyfriend will give me his car. I don't think he could steal away my boyfriend's car.! If he do so, he is going to be send in to jail. But perhaps, I'm not going to do this to my father. I'll just say that, my father really brainless. So, what I say so much because I just want to let those who looking my blog. Friend, mother's friend, father's friend, boyfriend. I know what I want, I'm doing what I need. ISABELLA @ (: 9:00 PM 4.01.2010. ![]() As everyone know, this is Girl Chipmunk, and the boy Chipmunk is with me in my car. This is with my Bf and its in his car. XD ![]() As my father let me to go out with him also. Damn happy.! Cause my father trust him and, I should say My mother like this Bf also. And this is the first time I go out with Bf didn't make up. Or I should say, I'll make up every time go out. But with this Bf, I never make up in front of him. LOL! Ask my Bf send Callie back home first only we go One Utaman to watch movie. Actually I want to watch "How you train your dragon" But my Bf tell me that if he fall asleep please don't scold him. LOL! So at last we watch DAY BREAKERS. Its a movie about vampires again. I LOVE VAMPIRES.! But please don't bite me. This movie damn nice.! Even its too bloody scary. Cause many parts also, SUDDENLY COME OUT. Then suddenly nothing already. If you got heart attack, I think you could die inside the cinema already. LOL! After watch movie with my Bf, go HongLok. As every wednesday HongLok got Pasar Malam. So we went there to have a look and have our dinner there. Around 11.30pm only my Bf fetch me back home. So I just like "Cinderella" Have to be back home before 12am. If not, I'll be gg.com ![]() Without make up, Its show sick face. And if you look properly, pimples is coming out ... ='( ![]() While waiting for the lecture to out class. This is my college life. ![]() Walk around and play around. This is my working life. ![]() Go watch "Under the Mountain" My couple life. LOL! This is what I'm doing currently. Busy working, studying and ofcause Busy Pak tor-ing. Yesterday got argue with my Bf, but after that nothing already. Sorry, I won't never do that again.
ISABELLA @ (: 8:56 PM |
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